Sept 4th Women in Science Workshop

Accelerating careers: Workshop for women scientists on international collaboration, networking and skills building. 

Time: September 4th  (Program to be announced soon)

Curious about how senior women scientists from around the world navigate their careers? The 2024 ECSA workshop for women scientists is designed by the Elsevier Foundation and the Chinese Women’s Association for Science & Technology to offer networking, international exposure, skills building and a rich dialogue between international women speakers and Chinese women scientists. Led by the Elsevier Foundation and CWAST in collaboration with Elsevier publishing and conferences, the workshop offers a space for discussion, learning and networking within ECSA. 

想知道世界各地的资深女性科学家如何驾驭她们的职业生涯吗? 2024 ECSA 女性科学家研讨会由爱思唯尔基金会和中国女科技工作者协会(CWAST)合作设计,旨在为女性科研工作人员提供一个展开国际对话交流、技能学习,和拓展职业网络的机会和平台。本研讨会由爱思唯尔基金会和中国女科技工作者协会主办,与爱思唯尔出版和会议合作,为2024 ECSA 会议提供一个女性科学家讨论、学习和交流的空间。 

Distinguished speakers include: 

Supporting Publications
Organised by
  • Elsevier
  • ECSA
  • AZTI