Scientific Committee

María C. Uyarra, AZTI, Spain
Laura Airoldi

Maria C. Uyarra studied Biology at the University of Navarra (Spain). She then obtained an MSc in Applied Ecology and Conservation and a PhD in management of tourism for conservation of coral reefs at the University of East Anglia (UK) and carried out postdoctoral contracts with the CIEE Research Station (Bonaire) and Simon Fraser University (Canada). With more than 15 years of experience working on ecological, social and economic research, she is an interdisciplinary researcher. She worked as a consultant and in 2011, she joined AZTI, a private non-profit research foundation (Spain). Since then, she works as a senior researcher in the department of Environmental Management of Marine and Coastal Areas. Her aim is to provide a holistic view to different topics in marine research by exploring them from different disciplines´ perspectives. Since she joined AZTI, she has worked either as a manager or a participant in EU funded projects in the following topics: the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, marine ecosystem services, marine recreational activities, ocean literacy, marine litter, aquaculture, marine renewable energies, etc. She is co-author of more than 40 scientific articles, several books and book chapters (H index = 19=) and editor of a special issue in Frontiers, for which she received the Frontiers Spotlight Runner-up Award. She also collaborates with the University Menendez Pelayo as professor for Aquatic Systems, and the University of the Basque Country as a Member of the Sustainability Committee for the Summer School Programme.

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