Conference Chair

Angel Borja , PhD Marine Ecology (1984); Doctor in Sciences (Honoris Causa) (Hull University, 2015). Principal Investigator at AZTI (Spain). he was Distinguished Adjunct Professor at King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia, 2020-2022). His main work is making marine ecology research useful for policy-makers and managers, studying the effects of human activities on marine ecosystems, the recovery of marine systems after impact, monitoring and assessment of marine status and biodiversity, under European directives (i.e. Water Framework Directive; Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Maritime Spatial Planning Directive and Habitats Directive), as well as integrative methods under the ecosystem-approach. He was member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency (2013-2020). Author of over 300 papers (Hindex: 78), Highly Cited Researcher 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 (Web of Science). He is Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability, Associated Editor of Continental Shelf Research, and member of the Editorial Board of Ecological Indicators, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health and Heliyon. Referee in more than 100 international journals (after Publons Peer Review Awards 2016-2019, is one of the top 1% of peer reviewers in Environment-Ecology) and project evaluation agencies. He is member of different scientific associations (ASLO, CERF, ECSA, ESP, SIBECOL), serving as chair-organizer of over 50 international conferences and scientific sessions, and key-note speaker in over 100 international conferences. He has participated in more than 120 European and international projects, being the coordinator of the Horizon Europe project GES4SEAS. He has been characterized by the continuous dissemination of science and organizer of the AZTI’s successful marine summer school since 2004. He was awarded with the European SETAC Environment Education Award (2017), and the Life-Time Achievement Award, by the International Conference on Benthos (Cochin, India, 2019).
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