Scientific Committee

Heliana Teixeira, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Heliana Teixeira

Heliana Teixeira is a costal and marine benthic ecologist at the Center for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) and the Dep. Biology of the University of Aveiro (Portugal). She holds a PhD in Biology, specialty Ecology from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, with training at Univ. Murcia (SP), AZTI Foundation (SP) and SCCWRP (USA). As a post-doc she worked at IMAR (Coimbra, PT) and as a Scientific Officer at the EC Joint Research Centre JRC (Ispra, IT). Her main research focuses aspects related with environmental assessment and conservation ecology, such as pressure-response relationships to reverse the negative impacts of anthropogenic disturbances; the use of ecological indicators for assessing quality trends in estuarine, coastal, and marine ecosystems; local processes and impacts of biological invasions driven by climate and anthropogenic pressures; and understanding biodiversity links to ecosystem services supply. Recently she has been working on socio-ecological research topics, using ecosystem services together with stakeholder participatory processes in conservation ecology. She is author of more than 40 peer-reviewed papers (Hindex: 31). Since 2004 that she participates in international expert working groups, providing scientific support to environmental policies on the domains of Water, Marine Strategy, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation, Invasive Alien Species. Currently, she is part of the EU Water Directive ECOSTAT WG on physical-chemical standards in support of good ecological status; integrates the COST ACTION Alien CSI for increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science, and collaborates with LifeWatch ERIC Internal Joint Initiative for developing Virtual Research Environments for Non-indigenous and invasive species. She runs the R&D projects FITA and CREPIDULA and participates in the PORBIOTA Portuguese e-Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity (PT node of LifeWatch ERIC), in SALTFREE and in GoBig projects. Since 2018, is associate editor for Frontiers in Marine Science in Marine Ecosystems Ecology.

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